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Game Name : Serious Sam
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:21:58
Views : 27442

Cheat :
Cheat mode:
Press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect: Code
All weapons: please giveall
Flight mode: please fly
Full health: please refresh
God mode: please god
Invisibility: please invisible
No clipping: please ghost
Kill all enemies: please killall
Open all doors: please open
All data available in NETRICSA: please tellall

Cheat mode (alternate):
Press [F1] to display the console window, type one of the following codes, press [Enter], then press [F1] to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect: Code
God mode: cht_bGod
All weapons: cht_bGiveAll
Full health: cht_bRefresh
No clipping: cht_bGhost
Invisibility: cht_bInvisible
Flight mode: cht_bFly

Cheat mode (demo version):
Press ~ at the main menu (with the single player and demo options) to display the console window. Then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect: Code
Display console commands ListSymbols()
Change damage from enemies in indicated difficulty level (1.0 is default). gam_afDamageStrength=<0.0, 1.0, 2.0>
Change ammunition quantity in indicated difficulty level (1.0 is default). gam_afAmmoQuantity=<0.0, 1.0, 2.0>
Change enemy movement speed (1.0 is default) gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed=<0.0, 1.0, 2.0>
Change enemy attack speed (1.0 is default) gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed=<0.0, 1.0, 2.0>

Mental mode:
Successfully complete the game in Serious mode, then start a new game. Mental will be fading in and out under Serious. In Mental mode, all the enemies will appear and disappear.

Difficulty levels:
Enter one of the following numbers to set the difficulty level in the cheat codes.

0: Easy
1: Normal
2: Hard
3: Serious

Hint :
Hint: Defeating the final Boss:
After going into the great pyramid, find the obelisk room. It will then rise. Keep walking around until you see an FMV sequence. You will then go to the place where the Boss climbs up the wall. Beware -- this Boss has the most powerful spells and weapons. After he/it shoots, run to the jump ramps. Jump/boost through the power rings clockwise, and when you are next to the jump ramps, preferably by the backpacks, start unloading with the Lasergun. That weapon will drop him down to a quarter of his health, but only after 800-1200 pulses. Note: He can regenerate health.

When at the Great Pyramid and the door has not opened, pull out your canon and start shooting the Boss in the head. Take out your minigun frequently to take out Kleers, Biomechs, Werebulls, etc. Then, when he is down to red, go inside the pyramid and look up. There are four triangle objects that light up and make strange noises once you jump through the ring things that have lights in them. To activate the teleporter you must use the super jumps (all four) and you will automatically jump through the ring things. However, you must make sure that the Boss is on the lighted up center. Once you have jumped through all four, look up and you should see four blinking triangles. This will take some time, so make sure you have him in the lighted up circle in the middle of the pyramid. If he is still in red when the teleporter is on, and it hits him, he will die.

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